Posted by, Admin, Date of Publish: 01.10.2024
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Donation received through Online Payment Gateway is not cancellable or refundable except in special and genuine cases.
We adhere to our refund policy in the following circumstances:
1) If transaction is occurred by mistake.
2) If there are duplicate transactions.
3) Donation if not authorized by the donor.
4) If the selected charity is not that intended by the donor.
5) If we accept your refund request, it will be processed and reimbursed through the same payment channel. In that case, payment gateway charges(if applicable) shall be carried by the donor. The refund request through other payment channel will not be accepted.
However, donation could be changed from one cause (or purpose) to another upon receipt of email from the donor within one(01) week from the date of donation. In other situations, refund settlement will take time around Seven to Ten (07-10) days.
If a person remits donation but due to slow internet connectivity, bank server failure or technical problem of the website, does not receive any confirmation message, and finds that the money has been debited from his / her bank account, please contact us: or visit and create a ticket. We will check the transaction status and update / inform you the status of the transaction.